Real Physics Talk, Munich, Germany, 2019: Pierre-Marie Robitaille
• Real Physics Talk: Pierre-Marie Robit...
P.M. Robitaille, WMAP: A Radiological Analysis, Progr. Phys. 2007, v. 3, no. 1, 3-18.
One can find all the PLANCK Images here:
BICEP2 Press Conference - March 17, 2014
• BICEP2 Press Conference - March 17, 2014
Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, Adrian Cho, Glimpse of the Universe's First Split Second Boosts Inflation Theory
Science Magazine, March 17, 2014
Dan Vergano, Big Bang's "Smoking Gun" Confirms Early Universe's Exponential Growth
National Geographic, March 17, 2014
Clara Moskowitz, Gravity Waves from Big Bang Detected
Scientific American, March 17, 2014
Jonathan Amos, Cosmic Inflation: "Spectacular Discovery Hailed"
BBC News, March 17, 2014
Space Ripples Reveal Big Bang’s Smoking Gun
The New York Times, March 18, 2014
What Made the Bang so Big?
If the findings are verified, BICEP2 will have amassed the strongest support yet for cosmic inflation. Discover Magazine, Nov. 26, 2014
Dazzling 'discovery' of gravitational waves from the Big Bang goes Poof with New Data, Washington Post, Jan 30, 2015
Adam Man, Wired, "But there are subtle variations, typically a 100 millionth of a degree, that correspond to quantum ripples in the very early
universe just a trillionth of a trillionth of a second after the universe was born.
New Map Made of First Trillionth of a Trillionth of a Second After Big Bang
Charles Q. Choi
Our Expanding Universe: Age, History and other facts
Planck Collaboration receives Gruber Prize in Cosmology
The University of British Columbia, July 17, 2018
E. Komatsu, Gravitational Wave Messengers from the very early universe, June 1, 2018
accessed on July 2, 2020
Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters, Astron. Astrophys., 2019.
Planck 2015 Results. IX. Diffuse Component Seperation: CMB Maps, Astron. Astrophys., 2016, 594, A9
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