Curved honey comb in a ceiling.

Описание к видео Curved honey comb in a ceiling.

Who does not like seeing a LARGE bee hive? Well, if you are in that number, you are going to love watching this video. The hive was so large it was housed in two sections of floor joists, and spanned over 8 feet long. Not only was there a lot of comb, we filled 4 ice chests with the comb, there was over 100 pounds of honey, and several pounds of bees to go with it. And yes, her royal highness was captured and caged. 

After removing the hive, we brought the bees to one of Hollis' bee yards about 12 miles away and set them up. We wound up giving the bees 8 frames of honey and two frames of brood, lots of stores to make it through the winter.The box weighed over 70 pounds after we finished loading it up with honey. When Hollis gave me an update on these bees just before Thanksgiving, all was very well with them and they were working the comb very nicely. 

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I certainly hope everyone had a great one, I spent my Thanksgiving in Wallis, Texas vacationing while visiting friends and having a great time. While I was there, I posted my first live video and I may begin posting live videos on alternate Fridays, at least that is the plan for right now. So, if you have questions you'd like to ask, tune in to the chat and fire away. I will see how it works, and if there is positive feedback, it may become a regular occurrence. The video links below are one with Hollis in it, the first one, and the other is a link to my very first live video broadcast. God's peace to all.        Mr. Ed

   • If only there was more space to work in.  

   • Let's wrangle  


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