Robert Cervero: Sustainable Mobility, Place-making, and Economic Competitiveness

Описание к видео Robert Cervero: Sustainable Mobility, Place-making, and Economic Competitiveness

Alexander von Humboldt Lecture Series 2012-2013 on "Making Cities Work"
see also:

Alexander von Humboldt Lecture: 'Sustainable Mobility, Place-making, and Economic Competitiveness: Striking a Balance'

Prof. Robert Cervero, Colledge of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Monday, Jan. 07, 2013

Abstract: Transport infrastructure is critical to the competitiveness of cities and regions in the global marketplace. With knowledge- and service-based industries driving economic growth in many sectors of the modern economy, creating functional yet highly livable and socially vibrant and inclusive cities is essential to global competitiveness and economic well-being. This lecture addresses the challenges of striking an appropriate balance between transport infrastructure as an economic conduit and broader place-making and community-building objectives, drawing lessons from Asian, European, and American contexts. Emphasis is given to striking a balance between building transportation infrastructure for mobility purposes and advancing sustainable urbanism as an economic development strategy. Specific case contexts include freeway-to-boulevard conversions, new-towns/in-town, green transit-oriented development, edge-city retrofits, centers, and pedestrian-friendly bus rapid transit systems. Empirical evidence on the affects of such strategies on real-estate market performance and firm geography will be presented. Suggestions on how to best strike a balance between planning for mobility and livability will be given.


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