Quake Champions Ranked Duel - Insomnia (June 2, 2024)

Описание к видео Quake Champions Ranked Duel - Insomnia (June 2, 2024)

Mouse kinda disconnected and reconnected midway. It's been doing this recently, probably the cord is worn. Might have to get a new one.

Otherwise a game that started as one-sided abuse and somehow became much closer. Sometimes you just got to stay alive, do some damage, get a bit of control, and get a little lucky to get a run going.

On the other hand, I felt a little unlucky at the start. There were a few close battles where I died right next to a major item. That one time where I kinda got stuck on the ledge by heavy was a little annoying, cause I was trying to go for that steal and the board just won't lift.


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