[Trailer] 江湖告急(Jiang Hu - The Triad Zone) - HD Version

Описание к видео [Trailer] 江湖告急(Jiang Hu - The Triad Zone) - HD Version

Jiang Hu - The Triad Zone 江湖告急 (2000)

導演: 林超賢

領銜主演: 梁家輝、吳君如

消息傳出, 有人要在廿四小時內刺殺江湖大佬任因久. 任性格誇張, 想借這次機會看清楚身邊每一個人, 重新評估自己的實力. 他的妻子蘇花, 軍師阿偉, 貼身保鏢阿愉, 情婦 JoJo, 對頭人陸老四, 黑道新人阿虎, 還有一直替他坐監的兄弟阿卓, 原來都有不為他所知的另一面. 本想利用危機擴充勢力的任, 到頭棧得到他始料不及的結果......

Director: Dante Lam

Starring: Tony Leung, Sandra Ng

The word is out on the streets, someone will assassinate underworld kingpin Jimmy Yam in the next 24 hours. Jimmy is bold and daring, he gets a chance to see the people around him as who they really are: his wife Sophie, his consiglierie Wai, his bodyguard Yue, his mistress Jo Jo, his rival Si, a rising gangster Tiger and a loyal-man who is in jail for him. Then, he finds out is behind the assassination...
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