Описание к видео 大吉祥天女咒(梵音版本)MAHA SRI DEVI DHARANI

大吉祥天女咒(Mahā-śrī Devī Dhāraṇī),也称吉祥天女咒,是一种用于祈求吉祥与财富的佛教咒语。吉祥天女在佛教中是象征富饶与幸福的护法天女。这个咒语的诵持被认为可以带来财运、福报和家庭的和谐幸福。



Namah Buddhaya
Namah Dharmaya
Namah Samghaya
Namah Sri Maha-Deviye
Tadyatha Om Pari-Purana Care Samanta Darsane
Maha Vihara-Gate Samata Vi-Dam Mane
Maha-Karya Prati-Sthapane
Sarvartha Sadhane Su Prati-Puri
Ayatna Dharmata
Maha Vi-Kurvite Maha-Maitri
Maha-Klese Su Sam-Grhite
Samantartha Anu-Palane


1. 祈求财富:诵持大吉祥天女咒可以吸引财富,改善财运,增加经济收入。

2. 带来吉祥:咒语可以带来吉祥和好运,使生活充满美好和幸福。

3. 增进和谐:帮助改善家庭关系,促进家庭成员间的和谐与团结。

4. 消除障碍:通过诵持咒语,可以消除生活中的各种障碍和困扰。


1. 清净心:在诵持咒语前,先使心念清净,专注于咒语的意义。
2. 每日诵持:可以每日固定时间诵持,例如早晨或晚上。
3. 持咒数量:视个人情况而定,有些人会每天持诵108遍或者更多。
4. 配合修持:可以配合观想吉祥天女的形象,增加专注力和持咒的效果。


The Mahā-śrī Devī Dhāraṇī, also known as the Great Auspicious Goddess Mantra, is a Buddhist mantra used to invoke blessings, wealth, and happiness. The Auspicious Goddess (Śrī Devī) is revered in Buddhism as a deity of prosperity and well-being. Reciting this mantra is believed to attract fortune, merit, and family harmony.

Full Text of the Mantra :

Namah Buddhaya
Namah Dharmaya
Namah Samghaya
Namah Sri Maha-Deviye
Tadyatha Om Pari-Purana Care Samanta Darsane
Maha Vihara-Gate Samata Vi-Dam Mane
Maha-Karya Prati-Sthapane
Sarvartha Sadhane Su Prati-Puri
Ayatna Dharmata
Maha Vi-Kurvite Maha-Maitri
Maha-Klese Su Sam-Grhite
Samantartha Anu-Palane

Benefits of the Mantra

1. Wealth Invocation:
Reciting the mantra can attract wealth, improve financial fortune, and increase income.

2. Auspiciousness:
The mantra can bring good luck and blessings, filling life with beauty and happiness.

3. Harmony Enhancement:
It helps improve family relationships, fostering harmony and unity among family members.

4. Obstacle Removal:
Reciting the mantra can eliminate various obstacles and troubles in life.

Recitation Method

1. Pure Mind:
Before reciting the mantra, clear your mind and focus on the meaning of the mantra.

2. Daily Recitation:
Establish a daily routine, such as reciting in the morning or evening.

3. Repetition:
The number of recitations depends on the individual; some people recite it 108 times or more each day.

4. Visualization:
Visualize the image of the Auspicious Goddess to enhance concentration and the efficacy of the mantra.

Reciting the Mahā-śrī Devī Dhāraṇī is not only for material wealth but also aims to cultivate inner peace and auspiciousness, leading to a more fulfilling life.

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