Boost Your Concentration in 2 Mins – Powerful Breathing Technique

Описание к видео Boost Your Concentration in 2 Mins – Powerful Breathing Technique

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Do you struggle to concentrate at work? When you need to really focus on a task, are you easily distracted? A simple, balancing breathing practice could be the key to improving your productivity and helping you to get in the zone.

Most breathing practices are designed to aggressively stimulate your sympathetic nervous system to wake you up; or they go the other direction, upregulating the parasympathetic branch of your nervous system to put you to sleep. What we often need most is something in the middle, what I like to call water category or coherent breathing practices.

The simple water category, alternate nostril practice in this video is designed to improve your concentration. If you’re overstimulated, it will calm you down, if you’re low on energy it can help to give you a lift. It’s a perfect go-to practice midday when you’re struggling to focus on an important project, and 10 rounds of this type of breathing takes just two minutes.

The thing to remember is that consistency amplifies the efficacy of breathing practices, so the more you make this part of your concentration routine, the more notable the results. Let’s get started!

00:00 Breathing to boost concentration
00:12 Types of breathing exercises
00:36 Coherent breathing exercises
01:10 Ocean breathing
01:54 Pranayama mudra
02:18 Nasal cycle
03:17 Best practices
03:26 Alternate nostril breathing
05:43 Practice tips

The nasal cycle is a phenomenon observed in most mammals where, every couple of hours, your breathing pattern will prefer one nostril over the other.

And in yoga, it's believed that this nostril preference correlates with your nervous system state, your autonomic nervous system state. Meaning left nostril with rest and digest, and right nostril with fight or flight. And by alternating between the two, the idea is that you find balance.

DISCLAIMER – this is for educational purposes only. If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, glaucoma, or a pulmonary condition, please check with your doctor before starting any breathing practices.

* Ocean Breathing
* Pranayama Mudra
* Alternate Nostril Breathing

Try to use the recommended hand gesture throughout. This classic pranayama mudra is a functional, useful position for controlling and pinching your nostrils. Fold your first two fingers into your palm on your right hand, use your thumb for your right nostril and your ring finger for your left nostril. It's a little awkward at first, but you should quickly get the hang of it.

Also, try to include ocean breathing sound (Ujjayi) as you practice – a whisper sound at the back of your throat both on the inhale and on the exhale.

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