6 clubs 2-count passing tricks part 1

Описание к видео 6 clubs 2-count passing tricks part 1

Trick names are the following:

[Basic tricks]
1 Tomahawk, Chop
2 French chop
3 Over the shoulder
4 Albert
5 Over the back
6 Under the arm
7 Vertical flat
8 Rocket
9 Behind the back
10 Under the leg
11 Trebla
12 Anti trebla
13 Flip
14 Outer chop
15 Outer reverse chop

[Spin adjustment]
16 Reverse spin
17 Behind the back reverse spin
18 Flat
19 Flat under the leg
20 Flat tomahawk
21 Flat over the shoulder
22 Flat behind the back
23 Over the shoulder reverse spin
24 Tomahawk reverse spin
25 Butterfly

[Irregular spins]
26 Outer flat
27 Inner flat
28 Helicopter
29 Reverse helicopter
30 Behind the back helicopter

31 Duplex
32 Duplex tomahawk
33 Duplex reverse spin
34 Duplex french chop
35 Duplex over the shoulder
36 Duplex albert
37 Duplex over the back
38 Duplex under the arm
39 Flat duplex
40 Duplex rocket
41 Duplex behind the back
42 Duplex under the leg
43 Duplex trebla
44 Duplex anti trebla
45 Duplex double spin
46 Duplex triple spin
47 Duplex outer flat
48 Duplex helicopter
49 Karloplex
50 Karloplex chop
51 Left-handed duplex
52 Baltan
53 Baltan single-quadruple spins
54 Triplex
55 Flat Triplex
56 Triplex rocket

I'm not sure these names are all correct, so please tell me the right names of them via comment if you know.

More passing patterns are visible on Juggloid, a club passing simulator. http://juggloid.com/

Performed by Malabaristas passing group in Tokyo.


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