Janax Pacha ᨏ Live at DreamersLand Festival - Poland 2022

Описание к видео Janax Pacha ᨏ Live at DreamersLand Festival - Poland 2022

Here I am,
Not knowing what I am doing ..
Just letting energy & vibration go through me and my instruments
Transforming this energy into Sound so that is more "tangible"
For you to move & feel alive with the beauty of source energy.
Let the out of time rhythms break the structure of your mind to set your Spirit Free!

This is a very magical Hybrid Set blending some tracks with Live Looping.
This combination was created by mistake (if you want to call it like this)

Summer Tour 2022
I was traveling a lot .. and before taking the plane to Poland I realize my synth & flutes weren't with me.
Its the first time I forget my instruments.
It was a great challenge to clear all feelings of guiltiness or any type of bad thoughts (we are humans also).
So blessing my Spirit and my Heart that are very powerful and kept my self in Love, alignment and openness to transform this situation in something EPIC! its always possible.

So the hole flight I was meditating - releasing all type of negative thoughts about this situation, calming down the mistery of what was I going to play.

The festival starts and I kept this State all time. (importante part, keep the state of weel being, and extende the meditative state even when you are moving or doing things)

2 hours before my gig I sit with my rapé and suddenly I download this new HYBRID SET ..
That became my new Set for the rest of my Summer Tour.

Janax Pacha - The Land of Heaven

  / janaxpachax  
  / janaxpachax  
  / janaxpachax  

#hybridset #livelooping #liveperformance #livemusic #festival #europetour #musicfestival #medicinefestival #holisticfestival #consciousness #meditation


Dear ones - embark on a unique musical journey with @JanaxPacha .

Get ready to be transported to a world of sound, rhythm, and wonders as the talented artist takes you on a magical journey and lifts your body to an ecstatic dance. 🔥

Allow the music to carry you away and experience the unforgettable sounds of @JanaxPacha in Dreamersland.

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Artist: @JanaxPacha
Art Production of Time and Space: @DreamerslandProduction
Author and Creative Producer: Bea Zwolińska
Video Preparation: 177_studio

Website: https://www.dreamersland.eu
2023 Tickets: https://www.biletomat.pl/bilety/dream...
Youtube Channel:


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