jewellery cad designer, Rail Revolve, Tips and Tricks in Matrix9

Описание к видео jewellery cad designer, Rail Revolve, Tips and Tricks in Matrix9

i am jewellery cad teacher,

Jewelry CAD design involves designing diamond jewelry like computer rings, bangles, bracelets, necklaces, pendant sets, Mangal sutras, earrings.

Jewelry CAD design can be learned by anyone, as the design has to be made on a computer and working on a computer these days, it is quite easy to learn.

Jewelry Cad Design Student, Boys – Girls, Businessmen, Job seekers, Housewife's – Anyone can learn, there is no need to study, yes at least 10 Std. There is no need to study. There are many companies in the market that value your design work and not your education. In such a company you can progress quickly.

You can earn Rs 30,000 to Rs 60,000 or more per month in jewelry design and it is entirely up to you. Along with the design work, you can earn hundreds of millions of rupees a month by taking orders to make jewelry, because design is a basic need of jewelry and you have a thorough knowledge of it.


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