Pokémon Red/Blue - Final Rival Battle

Описание к видео Pokémon Red/Blue - Final Rival Battle

This is it.... the final battle with Gary Oak! Or, Blue since the games came before the show in Japan. In which case, he'd be called Green or Red, but in gen 2 he was just Blue and "Ash" was Red. The Japanese version of gen 2 he might be called Green, since their green version is our blue. But I kind of doubt it since he's clothed entirely in blue.

Just look at him, his hair stands out, almost like an afro. He has the most determined look on his face, and the most boss vest you'll ever see in the world, even though it's 8-bit. He holds a ball in his hand and just... it's too intense. Don't forget those moon boots.

Oh yeah, as for the fight, it's pretty difficult. I got REALLY close to losing, and I should've avoided messing with metronome but hey, you could always do something epic with it. Blue's Pokémon are mean, tough, and have good attacks (except for Rhydon and Exeggutor). With Gyarados as the final survivor, I reach with one Pokémon, level 50.

Hate comments like "you suck" are gladly welcome, and good entertainment as well. I clearly made some mistakes in this battle, I hadn't played the game in years before doing this "boss run".

Was 15 years old when I wrote that description. Kind of cringing... This battle is insanely easy, and since I hadn't really played in a long time I didn't understand how the special stat worked or why the special attacks were bad on Alakazam. I'd thought special was just for attack, otherwise I could've beaten it real easily with probably just 2 attacks of strength with Charizard.

I also did drag it out a bit having fun with metronome, in general I just wanted to record an entertaining fight. But also, this fight represents essentially what all of us as children would've played out like, hence me not knowing about how dumb the special stat is in this game.


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