WiFo2021 Vortrag Verena Hossnofsky - Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule

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If and Where: Environmental Antecedents of CDO Adoption

Sprecher: Hossnofsky, Verena Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Deutschland
Junge, Sebastian Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Deutschland
Graf-Vlachy, Lorenz TU Dortmund, Deutschland

The opportunities and challenges of digital transformation led many firms to adopt the position of a chief digital officer (CDO). Prior studies have started investigating the antecedents of CDO presence. However, they do not directly distinguish between CDOs implemented at top management team level and CDOs located at lower levels of the organizational hierarchy. Additionally, pressure arising from a firm’s external environment has not been considered comprehensively and in detail from a theoretical as well as methodical point of view. Our study, addresses these points by employing panel data regression on listed German firms between 2016 and 2019. Our results indicate that the effect of environmental antecedents varies significantly depending on the level of CDO implementation.
The video shows Verena Hossnofsky's lecture at the Science Forum 2021 at the Wilhelm Büchner University.


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