Dead in the water - Legolas Greenleaf/Hermione Granger/Arthur Pendragon

Описание к видео Dead in the water - Legolas Greenleaf/Hermione Granger/Arthur Pendragon

AU Story:

In a world where people are born with soul-marks on their skin, Hermione, a young teenage witch is born with two. It is very rare to have two soul-marks. Hermione knows what this means. She will fall in love twice and will have to choose who her heart belongs to. It is a curse and a blessing at the same-time because she is fortunate enough to have two people fall in love with her. The summer before her sixth year, Hermione is sent back in time during the time of Camelot and meets her first soul-mate, Prince Arthur Pendragon. They fall in love and marry. Arthur becomes King but tragically dies like history foretold and Hermione is sent back to the Present.

In the Present, she is reunited with her two best-friends, Harry and Ron and keeps the events that happened to her that summer to herself. She secretly mourns the death of her love. His soul-mark gradually fades on her skin, but does not completely disappear. Hermione finds that strange and yet comforting because it reminds her he did exist. In her sixth year, Hermione decides to move on with Ron. He was born with no soul-mark and has a crush on her. He tells her to go against fate and to choose her own destiny. She buries her feelings and grief for Arthur deep inside her heart. Hermione tries to date Ron, but her heart cannot forget. She still loves Arthur and always will. She decides to forget about love and focus on helping her best friend complete his mission. She believes her true destiny is to bring peace to her world. But fate can be cruel sometimes.

While on the run from snatchers, Hermione is sent to the past but this time even further in the past during the events of the Hobbit. There she meets her other soul-mate, Legolas Greenleaf, son of King Thranduil. They fall in love and marry. Hermione wishes to stay with Legolas, but tells him there are things she must do in the future before she will be able to return to him. He reluctantly agrees to wait for her. He tells her he will be waiting for her forever. No matter how much times passes. His feelings will remain the same. There will be no one else but her. Elves give away their hearts only once and it is forever. Legolas will mourn their love until they are reunited.

Sadly, Hermione leaves and returns to the Present to help Harry defeat Voldermort. But what she does not know is that Arthur has risen and Merlin and he are looking for her. They are finally reunited during the war at Hogwarts. Arthur wishes for them to never part but Hermione reminds him now that the Wizarding world is at peace. He is expected to reign over the magical world once more. It is his destiny. He asks Hermione if her feelings for him have changed. She says no but that she has moved on. He asks her if she has met her other soul-mate and she says yes.

Arthur is angry with fate. He is jealous and mad. Hermione was born for him, to be his queen but now she belongs to another man. Merlin convinces Arthur to let her go. If he truly loves her, he needs to let her go and allow her to be happy. As much is it might hurt to see her with someone else, he needs to let her go and mourn their tragic love. The king decides to let her go, to set her free but Fate intervenes once more.

Merlin and King Arthur are sent back in time to middle-earth along with Hermione.

Hermione is overjoyed to be reunited with Legolas but her heart reminds her of Arthur. She still loves him. As hard as she has tried to forget him, she still loves him. They were married first but he died and then she met her second love.

Arthur feels that she has betrayed their love. Her heart is divided. She loves both men but can’t choose who she wants to be with. Hermione decides to put away her feelings for the moment and focus on her mission, to help Frodo destroy the ring.

Hermione knows she must ultimately decide if she will stay in the past with her elf love or go back to the future with her King. No matter what choice she makes, she knows it will end up changing the future and destroying the heart of the two men she loves the most.


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