Rendering of the song 'Chinnan Chiru Kuilye' by Rakesh Raghunathan at THE BLISS CATCHERS

Описание к видео Rendering of the song 'Chinnan Chiru Kuilye' by Rakesh Raghunathan at THE BLISS CATCHERS

Rendering of the song 'Chinnan Chiru Kuilye' by Rakesh Raghunathan at THE BLISS CATCHERS - SEASON 2 - Jan 2016 edition.

The Bliss CatchersTM is a popular Event Series which is inspired by Joseph Campbell’s awakening ‘Follow Your Bliss’ philosophy. The Event is a live conversation each month between Life Coach, Author and Happiness Curator, AVIS Viswanathan, and invited guests who have given up the “security” of “predictable and conventional” careers to go do what they love doing the most

Celebrated theatre artist and actor Kavithalaya Krishnan in conversation with Life Coach, Author and Happiness Curator, AVIS Viswanathan.


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