Riot Wants You To Forget The Most INSANE Year In League of Legends - Season 5 Retrospective

Описание к видео Riot Wants You To Forget The Most INSANE Year In League of Legends - Season 5 Retrospective

Today, let's talk about the craziest season of League of Legends history. This is by far the most interesting year that league had, with so many wild stories. Warwick one shots. Ahri rework with the highest win rate. Kalista release. Bard release. Faker getting benched. T1 winning worlds. With the brand new summoner's rift map and the removal of beloved items such as DFG - It's a history you won't want to miss.

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Music is from Epidemic Sound, Runescape 3 OST, World of Warcraft OST

Sources (all used within fair use, and no copyright infringement is intended whatsoever. if any sources have an issue with the usage of particular clips, please contact me directly. Check out these videos and creators!)


Dunkey Bard
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