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Baillie, Katie. “JK Rowling Says Lupin's Condition Is 'a Metaphor Illnesses with a Stigma'.” Metro, Associated Newspapers Limited , 12 Sept. 2016, metro.co.uk/2016/09/09/jk-rowling-says-remus-lupins-condition-as-a-werewolf-is-a-metaphor-for-hiv-and-aids-6118903/.

Carey, Tanith. “The 'Sick-Lit' Books Aimed at Children: It's a Disturbing Phenomenon. Tales of Teenage Cancer, Self-Harm and Suicide...” The Daily Mail, Associated Newspapers Ltd., 3 Jan. 2013, www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2256356/The-sick-lit-books-aimed-children-Its-disturbing-phenomenon-Tales-teenage-cancer-self-harm-suicide-.html?fbclid=IwAR34ncjXSmMyIFivwUIWdxwui4r1U_XSnfFAVfHS5-2n_egZCUK5Vl8e2Io.

Crowley, Laura. “‘The Fault in Our Stars’ Exploits Human Suffering.” The Bucknellian, The Bucknellian, 17 Apr. 2013, bucknellian.blogs.bucknell.edu/2013/04/17/the-fault-in-our-stars-exploits-human-suffering/.

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Rice, Anne. “Anne's Messages to Fans.” Anne Rice the Official Site, Anne Rice, 14 Sept. 2009, annerice.com/ReaderInteraction-MessagesToFans.html.

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Sarah Z. JK Rowling and Authorial Intent. YouTube, YouTube, 12 Nov 2018,    • JK Rowling and Authorial Intent  

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Vlogbrothers. Rest In Awesome, Esther. YouTube, YouTube, 27 Aug 2010,    • Rest In Awesome, Esther  .

Vlogbrothers. With Esther. YouTube, YouTube, 5 July 2010,    • With Esther  .

Waldman, Katy. “John Green Is a Hero of the Teen Internet. Is He to Blame for the Controversy Around Him?” Slate Magazine, The Slate Group LLC, 7 July 2015, slate.com/culture/2015/07/john-green-author-of-paper-towns-and-the-fault-in-our-stars-is-the-most-loved-and-hated-person-on-the-teen-internet.html?fbclid=IwAR1LjjINnt1tq8IiFuUVa8klFsHqij8zdfvpZ3GNPJJwIoOvLg9G8CpVPfE.

Ward, Hollie. “The Death of John Green.” On The Scene Magazine, On The Scene, 6 Feb. 2016, onthescenemag.co.uk/the-death-of-john-green.

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