The Model For Restoration (Part 3) | Loren Larson | Wednesday Evening Service

Описание к видео The Model For Restoration (Part 3) | Loren Larson | Wednesday Evening Service

Are you a bond slave to Christ, swallowed up in the will of your master? Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Loren Larson reads Psalm 51:13-19 teaching on a proper response to restoration with his three part series on how the believer is to go home, grow strong, and go tell. The believer can pursue righteousness because the perfect righteousness of Christ has been imputed to us when we said yes to Christ. We are justified by faith, and are not held accountable to man, but we are only accountable to God. At salvation, we are freed from the dominion of sin, but we still are in the presence of sin and must learn how to walk through the presence of sin with our faith in Christ’s finished work. We can be strong and confident in what He did, and will do, in our lives. Reading Psalm 51:14, David says, and my tongue shall sing aloud. When we realize the liberty we have in Christ, and experience personal growth and restoration, we will want to tell His good news to all who will listen.


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