#7. How far can a Classic Mini actually go over snow and mud? Stories of shuckles and Chains.

Описание к видео #7. How far can a Classic Mini actually go over snow and mud? Stories of shuckles and Chains.

How far can a Classic Mini actually go over snow and mud if need be? Picking things up from the last episode , test driving the car was all that was left to evaluate the effectiveness of my winter cooling set up. While at it I decided to cease the opportunity of snow in Greece and so I set out to try and fit my snow chains for the first time ever on my classic mini. Having survived the first step Ι figured I could take it a step further and assess the Mini's capabilities over mud as well...That's were the fun really began! :-)

Guest Star: Super cool doggy!

**1st Important Disclaimer.** This is not meant to be a tutorial on how to fit snow chains on a Classic Mini. Read your manuals instead.
**2nd Important Disclaimer** Don't try stuff at home unless you really have a sound back up plan and some really cool friends ready to come to your rescue. :-)

If you like my content and would like to give me a helping hand in achieving my traveling goal you can buy me a coffee. :-)


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