Creative Combat Tactics in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Описание к видео Creative Combat Tactics in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

MONSTERS OF DRAKKENHEIM is 300+ pages of eldritch horror inspired monsters for 5e by the Dungeon Dudes! Coming to Kickstarter March 26th, 2024: Think outside the grid! In this episode, we discuss the creative, narrative, and roleplaying elements that can factor into your battlefield tactics.

Click ahead to a specific section in this episode:

2:25 Working as a Team
4:25 Focus on the Objective
7:55 Observe the Environment
16:20 Understand your Foes
21:45 Use Equipment

In Dungeons and Dragons, the story doesn’t stop just because swords are drawn. One of the fantastic parts of Dungeons and Dragons are all the creative, narrative, and roleplaying elements that make a combat encounter come alive, and distinguish combat in D&D from more limited experiences like video games, where you are much more restricted in what your character can do.

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