Water Reclamation ARCS System | Growing Green Vol 11

Описание к видео Water Reclamation ARCS System | Growing Green Vol 11

Cannabis Condensate Reclamation System
In the cannabis industry, water conservation has become a critical concern for reducing expenses at grow facilities, protecting the environment, and complying with state regulations. Nowadays, more and more commercial grow facilities are investing in water reclamation systems to remain competitive.

Whether you want to recycle and reuse your water at your cultivation facility or grow space at home, our condensate reclamation guide shows you how you can obtain a fresh water supply from your condensate water.

Reclaiming Condensate From Dehumidifiers and HVAC 

Many professional and home growers use dehumidification equipment and air conditioning to maintain an optimal environment for cannabis plants. Dehumidifiers are critical to keep moisture levels in check and reduce the risk of mold and mildew formation. Air conditioners regulate temperature to offset any high heat from lights and other devices.

While a home grow may not produce a lot of condensate water, commercial facilities can produce hundreds or thousands of gallons of water, depending on the size of the operation. The condensate water can be distilled but does not keep the water clean from airborne contaminants and pathogens. Some growers do not want to risk using the water and dispose of it.

Some jurisdictions enforce regulations on discharges and can require growers to pay a premium for exceeding these limitations or penalize a company for going over a daily limit. Short of cutting back on the throughput, using a condensate reclamation system can prevent sewer discharge issues and result in reduced water bills. 

Instead of being thrown away, the water can be collected and reused. Recycling the water reduces the associated costs of getting fresh water. It also reduces the amount of waste produced, especially in an industry where regulations could become more strict around waste and discharge. Reusing condensate water can be accomplished with the proper water treatment to reduce its risks to the grow operation.

Contaminants in Condensate Water

Condensate water quality varies by HVAC system. However, the most common contaminants include dust, dirt, and other solid particles that build up in the air ducts or other components and end up in the water. The distilled water can come in contact with various contaminants, including corroded metals and oils used during the manufacturing process. 

Heavy metal contamination can occur from heavy metals such as aluminum, zinc, copper, and lead can leach from the HVAC equipment. If the coils or other components inside the system develop mold or other pathogens, they can be distributed throughout and into the HVAC and dehumidifier condensate water. 

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can come in contact with the water and provide food for microbial growth, especially if the condensate water is left standing for long periods. Condensate water can be contaminated from organic pesticides and foliar sprays, among other debris that can end up in condensate water. 

Condensate pH 

Condensate water has a low mineral concentration that results in an acidic pH. The condensate water absorbs carbon dioxide as it tries to reach equilibrium with the atmosphere. The acidic condensate water can leach metals from the coils, vents, and other metal parts. Leaching of metals usually occurs with aged devices. Cannabis thrives in a pH ranging from 6.0 to 6.5. Condensate water ph levels tend to be around 5.0.

Water Reclamation Systems for Condensation Water

Condensate reclamation is becoming increasingly popular among home and commercial cannabis growers. Reclamation can be performed with a specially designed filtration system. Generally, reclamation systems feature:

Ultraviolet (UV) sterilization to eliminate harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and pathogens.
Remineralization to give the water a sufficient amount of minerals and balance pH.
A filter to remove dust and other suspended solids. 
How do water reclamation systems work? A condensate reclaim system is relatively affordable and simple to set up. Instead of draining the condensate down the floor drain, it is distributed through piping that empties into a collection tank. The collection tank uses an overflow level control that enables the extra condensate to drain if the system is full. 

The condensate water is moved out of the collection tank and into a strainer to remove the large suspended particles that collect in the system. Then, the water is pushed through a filtration system to remove pathogens, bacteria, and other contaminants. Cannabis cultivators may also choose to send it through a remineralization/pH balancing filter. Then, the water is piped to the nutrient reservoir. 

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