DGV2Print - Print DataGridView As Report

Описание к видео DGV2Print - Print DataGridView As Report

I Make Library in c# can u Print your Any DataGridView in Very Simple way.

With this Library you can print every DataGridView in your project with Custom Header And Footer.

This Library Can Work in RTL and LTR Language (u can set).

This Library Print Directly With .Net Native Code and print unlimited Page.

This Library Get Your DataGridView Customization(like Font,Colors,...) and Applied To Print Area.

This Work Properly in WInForm Applications...

this work contain 4 simple step

- Add reference to your project
- Make Object from Reference
- config it (RTL or LTR , Header , Footer)
- and Call .Print() Method.

i published it to Github.....
you can see,download or fork it in below link:




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