Honours Track Tackling Global Challenges - Leiden University

Описание к видео Honours Track Tackling Global Challenges - Leiden University

In May 2018, third-year Honours students of the Track 'Tackling Global Challenges' of the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University went to Brussels to talk with professionals, visit EU institutions and see how theory gets applied in practice.

Current challenges require new thinkers and potential leading experts and public leaders to solve crises at global and local level. This Honours Track has the goal of educating students on how current (wicked) problems play out among government, science, and society and gives them the skills to tackle some of these issues theoretically, based on academic literature, and practically, at a local level. The learning experience is thereby based on interactive activities, such as visits to the Dutch lower house, the European Parliament and other (public) organisations in Brussels as well as simulation games on negotiating, dealing with the complexity of stakeholders, and scenario planning.

Learn more about this Honours Track here:


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