Random Rab - A Little More Free

Описание к видео Random Rab - A Little More Free

A Little More Free - Official Music Video
Artist: Random Rab
Album: Formless Edge
Director/Editor: Matt "Sand" Yarrington of Abandon Building - http://www.abandonbuilding.com
Actor: Wolfe Casals

Music, lyrics, and vocals by Random Rab (yes, I think this master is too heavy in the bass... especially the vocals. I rushed the master to meet a deadline for this video. I feel that the master on the album is much better)

Huge thanks for all of you for your continuing support of my music. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for many more upcoming releases. Follow Abandon Building on vimeo to see all the amazing visual candy. He CRUSHED this video. Thanks Matt!

For more information about Random Rab or to find performances in your area, please go to http://randomrab.com

Copyright 2017 Random Rab


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