Craw Road (original song )

Описание к видео Craw Road (original song )

Song about poverty and foolishness in my home town , could be any town though, anywhere , C. 1950 - 60. Please scroll right down for a rough translation of the words .

I`m walking down the craw road,
nae erse in ma breeks
jist pennies in ma pockets,
sooricks in ma cheeks
skint at the tossin,
ma broo money is lost
wurrit seek fur ma bairns
am white as a ghost

the old steam train
makes the steel rails sing
as we riddle fur coal
at the Brucefield bing
like rooks in the rookery
we quarrel and fecht
like tossin school gadgies
we`ve nae dignity left

shovel stoor at Kincardine,
fur holiday plans
get a tanner a punnet
doon Kennetpans
tak a stent at Norvals
fur thirty bob the week
or timm at the brickworks
an choke wi` the reek

theres king coal at the Zetland
its no far tae walk
but am seek wi brooncatis
and kin hardly talk
so am in Jean Forsyths
drinkin sherry from the tap
markin time playing dominos
fur a penny a chap

I`m walking down the craw road,
nae erse in ma breeks
jist pennies in ma pockets,
sooricks in ma cheeks
skint at the tossin,
ma broo moneys lost
wurrit seek fur ma bairns
am white as a ghost

Translation of words for non Scots !

I`m walking down the crow road ( a tough place to be )
no ass in my pants
just pennies in my pockets
wood sorrel in my cheeks
broke at pitch and toss ( gamble by spinning two pennies )
my welfare is lost
worried sick for my children
I am as white as a ghost

the old steam train
makes the steel rails sing
we riddle for coal
at the Brucefield slag heap
like rooks in the rookery
we quarrel and fight
like gambling wide boys
we have no dignity left

Shovel dust at kincardine ( power plant )
to pay for a holiday
get six pennies a box
down at Kennetpans ( fruit picking )
take a pitch at Norvals ( picking potatoes )
for 30 shillings a week
or empty the kilns at the brickwork
and choke with the smoke

there`s a coal mine at the Zetland
and it`s not far to walk
but I am sick with bronchitis
I can hardly talk
so i am in Jean Forsyths ( local shop )
drinking sherry from a cask
playing dominos
at a penny a chap ( unable to play a dom )


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