Brass Smoking Pipe Review Pipo SOLD BY momentously eBay Horrible Product we give PipO a CrapO rating

Описание к видео Brass Smoking Pipe Review Pipo SOLD BY momentously eBay Horrible Product we give PipO a CrapO rating

Brass Smoking Pipe Review Pipo SOLD BY momentously eBay Horrible Product we give PipO a CrapO rating

Review for: Brass Tobacco Smoking Pipe With Stash Storage Cylinder Chamber Metal Pipe New SOLD BY momentously eBay

Nothing fits everything has to be loose to get thumb tab to be useful! The poker is a total JOKE! Once you pull it out never ever will you get it to stay in! Bowl holes not drilled out or plated over! All 5 very poor quality Even at $8 each more annoying to try and use not worth it!

Seller has profile pic of a Lambo Ha! Should be honest representtion A GARBAGE TRUCK!

More reviews coming so many Proto Pipe knickoffs these isn't one of any quality!??!

Review for: Brass Tobacco Smoking Pipe With Stash Storage Cylinder Chamber Metal Pipe New SOLD BY momentously eBay


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