
Описание к видео #ConsumerDebates

Twitter: @beuc
LinkedIn: BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation

As Europe continues to battle the serious impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, the importance of citizens’ health and well-being has been thrown into sharp relief. With 1 in 2 EU adults either overweight or obese and therefore more prone to heart disease and diabetes, it is high time the healthy food choice be made easier for consumers. Yet spotting the healthier options in the supermarket is no easy task.

Front-of-pack nutrition labelling has been identified as one tool to help consumers make healthier choices. The European Commission have committed to propose a mandatory EU-wide front-of-pack label by end of 2022. But there is an ongoing debate as to which label this should be.

Nutri-Score — supported by BEUC — is being increasingly endorsed by Member States and used in some. But several aspects have ignited debate in Europe. Should a label be mandatory or voluntary? Should it give an overall score or information on individual nutrients? Which label do consumers understand best?

This event touched upon these questions, as the German Presidency are working on Council conclusions on food labelling for adoption in December 2020.

This event was livestreamed on 10 November 2020 at 14:00.


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