Saint Michael Defend Us In Battle

Описание к видео Saint Michael Defend Us In Battle

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Saint Michael the Archangel is a prayer that should be prayed by all Christians. We are not struggling against flesh & blood but against principalities, powers and rulers of this world. Those rulers are Satan and his followers, the fallen angels. Prayer is powerful and we should pray every day. Only the Holy Spirit can help us overcome sin. We need God's grace in our life and a good way to obtain it is through a faithful prayer life.


Saint Michael Prayer

Saint Michael the Archangel
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the
wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him we humbly pray,
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly
Host, by the Power of God,
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil
Spirits who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

• • • • •

I have been asked about why Paul, in his lyrics, says "who is like unto God." So I thought I would add this information;

The name "Michael" means "who is like unto God." Any name that ends in "el" has some meaning that has to do with God. The reason for that is because one of the names of God in Hebrew is "El."

Here are some of the Hebrew names for God;
El (also Aramaic); (could be plural); ("Power")
El `Elyon ("Most High God"); ("Supreme")
El Shaddai ("God Almighty")
El `Olam ("Everlasting God")
El Hai ("Living God")
El Ro'i ("God of Seeing")
El Elohe Israel ("God, the God of Israel")
El Gibbor ("God of Strength")
Elohim (Singular); ("He is the Power {singular} over powers {plural}")
YHWH (Yahweh); ("I AM"); (*see below)
Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh ("I will be who I will be")
Adonai ("My Lord")

The four Archangels in the bible all had the ending of "el" ~
Gabriel ("Strength of God")
Michael ("Who is like God")
Raphael ("God's Healing"); ("God's Medicine")
Uriel ("Fire of God"); ("Flame of God"); ("Light of God")

(Note that the name "Jehovah" is erroneous and does not exist in any language. It was an error made by people who inserted vowels from the name "Adonai" in order to pronounce the name YHWH).


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