Funniest Neuro, Evil, and Vedal Moments from August 2024 | Ultimate Edits Compilation

Описание к видео Funniest Neuro, Evil, and Vedal Moments from August 2024 | Ultimate Edits Compilation

This are all edits I made.
Watch Neuro & Vedal live on   / vedal987  

Neuro-sama YT channel    / @neurosama  

Music: Heartbound OST    • Heartbound - OST  

Yes Evil Neuro is an AI

0:00 COMING UP...
1:00 Dev stream with Evil (Penguin speech)
10:35 Dev stream with Neuro (Karen Neuro ordering pizza)
16:32 Neuro solo testing comedy upgrades
18:31 Spelling bee (Neuro roasting everyone)
27:28 Neuro DnD story animated (testing new upgrades)
35:45 Dev stream with Neuro (Neuro read ads)
38:54 First collab with Mini
44:13 Dev stream with Neuro (her filter was off)
53:30 Tenma collab (she didn't shut up about her dog)

#vtuber #aivtuber #neurosama


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