yurikuma arashi ep 12 climax

Описание к видео yurikuma arashi ep 12 climax


Kureha & Ginko don`t just died, but being killed by other students who only can see the "bears" on the rooftop. One girl(who denied to shoot them) and One bear saw the different reality, two "half-human half-bear girls" kissed each other and stare straight to students. Two girls died in real, but the student who refused to shoot saw another reality that "they walked up the stairway to heaven".

You can change the word "A bear" as "A wolf", and "half-human half-bear" as "A werewolf". "A bear", "A wolf" whatever you call it, It is the outsiders from the civilization. As Thomas hobbes said, "Homo homini lupus(Man is wolf to man)" in state of nature. But as we can see in this scene, It is not that simple because sometimes "civilized" humans become more brutal to the others.

The reason why Kureha & Ginko just stared others, in my guess, they wanted to be accepted by other students. That moment, only one girl and one bear understood and accepted Kureha & Ginko`s true form. But others, especially the leader say "Don`t hesitate. Do not think. Fire!" before starts shooting : They don`t accept a bear-human(a werewolf) in a "civilized" school, but also just refuse to undersatnd what`s going on.



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