[AWARD-WINNING FILM] ハーフ:外国人とみられて (Hafu: The Outsiders of Japanese Society) 日本語字幕

Описание к видео [AWARD-WINNING FILM] ハーフ:外国人とみられて (Hafu: The Outsiders of Japanese Society) 日本語字幕

"Gaijin". That word. They don't know what it feels like to be labeled "Gaijin".


A short documentary on about "Hafu" people (a Japanese term that refers to an individual who is a Japanese biracial person), and how they're are labeled as "Gaijin", in Japan, just because they are considered as a "foreigner", and an "outsider" from the society. Even though it's their own country and their own ethnicity, still to this day there are many students, teachers, mothers, fathers, and so on that are labeled this way and treated differently, as a foreigner, because of their looks. This short film explains the importance of accepting everyone and every culture the way it is, and that no matter what your race is, we need to choose kindness, and respect them the way they are.

現在の日本では、http://wedge.ismedia.jp/articles/-/2702 によると、30人に1人はハーフである。「半分日本人」なのにも関わらず、「半分外国人」とみられている「ガイジン」たちは、日本社会の部外者、アウトサイダーと思われてないことはない。このショートフィルムは、ハーフの人でも日本人だと認識されたいということの重要性を描かれている。肌の色、見た目、カルチャーが純日本人と違っていても、同じ人間として尊重の年を持って接することが大切である。

Directed by Sakura Sato and Marina Ten Have



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