Juego de Autos 5: Lose The Heat 3 en HD - All the Misions

Описание к видео Juego de Autos 5: Lose The Heat 3 en HD - All the Misions

1st episode ... .0:01______4th episode... 7:06
2nd episode ... 2:21 _____ 5th episode... 9:12
3rd episode .....4:32
Lose The Heat 3 : Extraordinaria Persecuciòn donde los policias te persiguen, pensando que eres un criminal, un narcotraficante y un acosador, entonces, tu para conservar tu libertad y defender tu inocencia decides escapar hasta encontrar las pruebas que demuestren tu inocencia, durante la persecuciòn, tu te sientes todo un crack, un Valiente Hèroe que maneja su auto negro, defendiendo su noble causa.. Diviertete esquivando a toda la policia motorizada de los Estados Unidos, Helicòptero Incluido,
Esta èpica persecuciòn sucede durante las primeras horas de la mañana hasta la medianoche, lograrà salvarse y demostrar su Libertad ?

copia el link y juega tu mismo este fantastico juego.

SUSCRIBIRSE http://goo.gl/JMmlO8

Lose The Heat 3: Extraordinary chase where the cops chase you, thinking you're a criminal, a drug dealer and a stalker, then your to preserve your freedom and defend your innocence you decide to escape to find the evidence to prove your innocence for persecution , you feel a whole crack, a brave hero who manages his black car, defending his noble cause .. Have fun dodging all the power of the United States law enforcement, helicopter Inclusive
This epic chase happens during the early hours of the morning until midnight, would be saved and demonstrate their Freedom?

copy the link and play this fantastic game yourself.


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