The One That Got Away

Описание к видео The One That Got Away

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No this is not a country song. My finished 5 movement piano suite. playback is approximately 17:50, which would probably be a few minutes longer for a live performance. “The One That Got Away” tells the classic tale of losing a big fish.
Movement I - The Pond: This movement is in a very tonal Ionian mode for the most part, and experiments with many sevenths and ninths. The music opens with calm beautiful chords, indicating the early morning at the pond. The sun is just starting to rise, the water is calm, and the wildlife is still asleep. Eventually the sun rises, and the pond comes to life as the music gets more lively and energetic. The birds are singing, the squirrels are running up the trees, the turtles and frogs are swimming, and most importantly the fish are jumping.
Movement II - Watchin’, Waitin’: the pond is peaceful and it’s time to try and catch a fish. This movement is in an overall mixolydian mode with a some main motifs being quartal movement and hemiolas. This is the time ticking by as the fisherman watches his bobber, waiting for a big fish to strike.
Movement III - The Bite: This movement opens anxiously and ominously, indicating a big fish is soon to bite the hook. The harmonic development of this movement is very atonal with no sense of a tonic, providing an unpredictable kind of atmosphere. Where is the fish? Is it going to bite? There are uses of a 12 tone row, many dissonant diminished arpeggios, whole tone scales, and chromatic movement. The end of the movement builds on whole tone in the right hand over half steps in the left hand until… it goes straight into the fourth movement as the fish has bitten the hook!
Movement IV - The Fight: This movement is connected to the third movement as there is no long break between the two. The fish of a lifetime is at the end of the line as this epic battle type of


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