7 CRAZIEST Parkour Locations In The World

Описание к видео 7 CRAZIEST Parkour Locations In The World

Discover some of the world's 7 best freerunning locations.
@0:16 - Freerunning in Munich Airport with Jason Paul:    • Last Call for Mr. Paul  
@2:16 - Running late in Buenos Aires with Dimitris Kyrsanidis :    • Running late in Buenos Aires.  
@4:45 - Freerunning in Bruges With Dominic Di Tommaso. :    • What Tourists Don't See. | Freerunnin...  
@7:05 - Freerunning The Best Locations Of Venice with Pasha Petkuns :    • Freerunning The Best Locations Of Ven...  
@9:57 - Freerunning the Frozen Wonderland of Harbin, China with Jason Paul:    • Parkour Across An Ice Castle With Jas...  
@10:54 - Freerunning a GHOST TOWN in Turkey with Alexander Titarenko:    • Freerunning a GHOST TOWN in Turkey | ...  
@13:08 - Freerunning In The Swiss Alps with Dom di Tommaso:    • Freerunning In The Swiss Alps | with ...  
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►Check out all our YouTube Freerunning & Parkour videos right here:    • How To Freerun In REVERSE | How Was I...  
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