How to short a country - Dr. Neven Vidaković

Описание к видео How to short a country - Dr. Neven Vidaković

Dr. Neven Vidaković is CEO of Loti Trading and an adjunct assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Maribor in Maribor, Slovenia.

Before joining Platinum Invest Neven worked at Carnegie Trading in Chicago where he was first a financial derivatives broker, then a financial derivatives trader from 2003 to 2005. In 2005 dr. Vidaković returned to Croatia and started working in the Strategic ALM office in Privredna Banka Zagreb, part of the Intesa Sanpaolo group. He worked as an analyst most on control of the term and interest structure of the bank’s balance sheet. From 2009. -2012. Vidaković worked in Intesa Sanpaolo headquarters in Milan, Italy as a risk coordinator for subsidiary banks primarily focusing on liquidity and interest rates risk. From 2013. to the end of 2016. Dr. Vidaković worked at University college Effectus where he was vice-dean for research, development, and quality. Currently, he is the CEO of his own consulting company Loti Trading LLC.

Dr. Vidaković’s research is primarily focused on banking and monetary policy. He has published numerous professional and scientific articles. Dr. Vidaković has also published several books, most importantly he is a co-author of Exchanges – principles and practice (joint with Ivo Andrijanić), Banking (joint with Miroslav Gregurek) and Exchange rate regimes – choices and consequences; Monetary and credit analysis.

#economy #trading #monetarypolicy


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