Young Mom Facing Major Cancer

Описание к видео Young Mom Facing Major Cancer

Melanie was a 26-year-old wife and mother of two young girls when she was diagnosed with life threatening cancer. She comes on the podcast today to share her story of faith, joy, and defiant hope in the midst of her diagnosis and eventual amputation.

00:00 - Good to Have Weird Friends
03:14 - Introduction to Melanie’s Story
05:07 - Ankle Pain that Won’t Go Away
12:34 - Facing Amputation
17:04 - Having Peace from God
20:08 - Prosthetic Leg and Chasing Kids
24:57 - I Know my new friends when summer comes
26:49 - Importance of Remembering
29:51 - Worshiping and Gratitude in Suffering
35:51 - A Defiant Hope
42:46 - God’s Providence


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