I Complete a Solo Flawless Warlord's Ruin. That's the whole video.

Описание к видео I Complete a Solo Flawless Warlord's Ruin. That's the whole video.

that's it, enjoy. guide being worked on, it is fully written and audio recorded/edited. it's just long and i need some more footage.

1st Boss: Strynthocep TItan

Strand: Banner of War, Into the Fray, Thread of Fury, Propagation (irrelevant here, so swap it), Warding, Generation
Swordbreaker shotgun w/ 1-2 Punch (any 1-2 Punch is fine)
Ikelos SMG w/ Voltshot
Tractor Cannon

2nd and 3rd Boss: Solar Titan

Synthoceps, w/ Pyrogale swap on 2nd boss. 3rd boss, switch to Hammer of Sol and stay on Synthoceps
Solar: Roaring Flames, Sol Invictus, Ember of Torches, Char, Empyrean, Ashes, Healing Grenade
Deliverance w/ Chill Clip (get Season of the Wish fusion w/ Overflow and Controlled Burst if possible)
Zaouli's Bane / Calus Mini-Tool
Dragon's Breath

Guide coming very soon for all classes.

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