पिता दर्जी, बेटे Suraj Tiwari बिना कोचिंग JNU से पढ़ IAS बने,संघर्ष से शिखर की पूरी कहानी सुनिए|UPSC

Описание к видео पिता दर्जी, बेटे Suraj Tiwari बिना कोचिंग JNU से पढ़ IAS बने,संघर्ष से शिखर की पूरी कहानी सुनिए|UPSC

Suraj Tiwari, a resident of Mainpuri district (Uttar Pradesh) secured the 917th position in the UPSC Civil Services Exam 2022 despite losing both his legs and one hand in an accident in 2017. Suraj met with a train accident on January 29, 2017 while returning from Delhi. He lost both his legs and his right hand, leaving him bedridden and fully reliant on family members for months. He completed his graduation and is now pursuing an MA in Russian at Jawaharlal Nehru University. He has cracked the UPSC exam on his own, withouth going to any coaching. Watch the video to know about his inspiring journey.

#UPSC #UPSCResults2022 #SurajTiwari

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Edited by: Mann


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