Capricorn, Tarot Secrets! 🌟 New World, New Love, New Life! ✨ (excerpt)

Описание к видео Capricorn, Tarot Secrets! 🌟 New World, New Love, New Life! ✨ (excerpt)

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“I Take All Energy Sent To Me,
I Alchemize It, & I Transmute It,
Into a Positive Over My Life! 🌟10 fold X 10🌟

🌟 Helloooooo Capricorn! Thanks for tuning in! be sure to hit the LIKE! & SUB UP!

Your cards reveal an incredible journey from feeling stuck to embracing exciting new opportunities. Watch as we uncover messages about a destined connection, financial breakthroughs, and spiritual awakening that's transforming your path.

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For entertainment purposes only. Trust your intuition and personal judgment when making important life decisions.

Time Stamps!
00:00 Intro
05:45 Capricorn's Reading Starts Here!

Wanna send a letter?
Ramblin Mike’s Tarot
c/o Michael Hamblen
800 Belle Terre Pkwy.
200 -112
Palm Coast, Florida 32164
[email protected]

Love & Light, Ramblin Mike

I am not doing FaceTime Readings at this time

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