Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War - Chaos Space Marine quotes

Описание к видео Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War - Chaos Space Marine quotes

Chaos Space Marine Sqaud quotes from Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War

"For the dark gods!"
"At your command."
"Yeees master."
"My lord, your will?"
"On our way."
"The path to ruin!"
"As you command!"
"*Growl* When do we attack?!"
"We are legion!"
"Death to the false Emperor!"
"Death to the enemy!"
"Rejoice in the coming oblivion!"
"You will be killed by traitors' hands!"
"Destroy the weak!"
"Annihilate them!"
"Attack! Attack!"
"Maim, kill, burn! Maim, kill, burn!"
"Kill... KILL!"
"Engaging the enemy."
"Die scum!"
"Fear our wrath."
"As you wish."
"Skulls for the Skull Throne."
"Feel the wrath of Chaos!"
"They will know pain!"
"Chaos consume you!"
"You are marked for death!"
"Despair, for your end is near!"
"Maim, kill, burn! Maim, kill, burn!"
"Kill.. kill!"
"Crush theeeeem!"
"For the dark Gods!"
"For the glory of Chaos!"
"To glory!"
"This honor will be ours!"
"It is done!"
"We will rejoice later.. To battle!!"
"Squad broaken!"
"They are too strong."
"Support us!"
"Damnation! Where is our support?"
"The battle is lost!"
"The Gods favor us!"
"The power of Chaos gives us strength!"
"We will have our revenge!"
"Squad destroyed"
"Chaos Lord destroyed"
"Chaos Sorcerer destroyed"
"Vehicle destroyed!"
"Heretic destroyed"
"Crush the weak."
"Hostile Chaos are in the area!"
"A Chaos foe is near."
"They dare bring deamons against us?!"
"The Eldar are here!"
"Ah! Our old foe."
"Fresh victims!"
"Enemy spotted!"
"Our Prey is near"
"That would be a great sacrifice!"
"We must slaughter the monster."
"Orks are in the area!"
"We see the Orks!"
"The green horde approaches!"
"Die loyalist scum!"
"Lapdogs of the False Emperor!"
"Defile the fools."
"Meeting resistance!"
"The weak fight back!"
"We are taking fire!"
"We are under attack!"
"We are embarking."
"We ride to battle."
"Exit quickly."
"To battle!"
"Deploying now!"

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