Excommunication of Leah and Cody Young Pt. 4 - Mormon Stories Ep. 1101

Описание к видео Excommunication of Leah and Cody Young Pt. 4 - Mormon Stories Ep. 1101

Join us now on Mormon Stories Podcast as we interview Leah and Cody Young about their recent excommunication.

The backstory: A year and a half ago Leah and Cody began learning about the problems with the LDS church’s truth claims. This launched them and their family into a faith crisis, leaving them without support or community. They attempted to obtain support from their Mormon bishop and stake president, but neither were able to help them.

A few months later, Cody and Leah started a Facebook support group for questioning and post-Mormons in the Columbus, Ohio area. Within a short amount of time their bishop and then stake president called them in and delivered them an ultimatum: disband the Facebook support group, or face excommunication. Leah and Cody did not feel that they could ethically do this. Both meetings with their stake president were recorded.

Later in this process Leah and Cody decided to tell their story on Mormon Stories Podcast, along with their brilliant 15 year old daughter Brinley.

A few weeks ago Cody and Leah received a letter informing them of a disciplinary council. Cody and Leah attended their disciplinary council on Sunday, April 14th.

In this interview we will discuss:
– The events that led up to the disciplinary council.
– The audio recording of the disciplinary council.
– Their reactions to the disciplinary council.

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00:00 Introduction by John of audio recording disciplinary council
01:00 Start with prayer
02:40 Start council, purpose of a disciplinary council. 4 possible outcomes.
03:58 Definition of apostasy
04:20 Cody and Leah answering no to the question if they think they apostatized
08:08 Given the evidence/facts the speaker poses the actions are acts of apostasy.
08:58 What is your belief of Jesus Christ?
09:08 Leah and Cody expressing their current beliefs
11:27 Speaker explaining the procedure. Questions only afterward.
13:40 Brinley giving testimony
20:40 Speaker thanking Brinley
27:30 Cody giving testimony
55:50 Leah giving testimony
1:23:10 First question: why stay a member when you don't believe?
1:23:22 Cody explaining his roots in Mormonism and consequences of e.g. excomunication for family life and contacts with e.g. parents
1:26:47 Leah adding to Cody's explanation. Daughters losing friends. Losing community
1:33:00 Follow-up question. Why not simply resign?
1:34:00 Leah explaining being shocked to be called in.
1:36:20 Cody giving an additional explanation.
1:39:14 What would membership be like for you?
1:39:52 Cody explaining that he would love his questions being answered.
1:43:00 Commendation for coming in.
1:43:50 Cody brought copy of the compilation of comments from support group, Brinley's letter.
1:45:50 Hope that procedure is seen as fair.
1:50:13 Final comments by Cody and Leah. People in the shadows need to be safe.
1:57:40 Conclusion. Closing prayer


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