
Описание к видео #137

Hey there everybody and thanks for joining me for the start of a fresh week here on the channel! While I had planned to have a little archery fun for us all today as it turns out I'm just going to keep working away at the Bearfoot Outdoors channel (so make sure to sub if you're interested in that kinda stuff!). Today turned out to be something even better however since it was noticed that our honey berry bushes have produced some ripe fruit for us! There are still loads of them yet to change color but now that we're watching we may get to beat the birds to them! We could cover them with a net but this just appeals to my competitive nature ...
Alright everybody, I hope you enjoy the visit today, see you tomorrow! Happy gardening everyone and blessed be!

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Some of the other channels, if you're interested ....
BlondCo Entertainment :    / @blondcoentertainment403  
JTs Bearfoot Outdoor Adventures :    / @jtsbearfootoutdooradventur1285  
Bear InTheKitchen :    / @bearinthekitchen  
Clean Valley Farms :    / @bearfamilyfarm4434  

Or why not check out the blogs?

Mr Bears Photos - https://mrbearsphotos.blogspot.com
Talk-qua-ponics- http://jtbearstalkquaponics.blogspot.ca/
Bearfoot Outdoors- http://bearfootoutdoors.blogspot.ca/
GrumblingTumblingBear- http://grumblingtumblingbear.blogspot...
MrBearsLibrary- http://mrbearslibrary.blogspot.ca/


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