Insurgents on streets of Sadr City

Описание к видео Insurgents on streets of Sadr City

(7 Aug 2004)

1. UPSOUND gunfire - zoom in to smoke on streets as militia members fire at US forces
2. Militia member loading AK47 rifle
3. Various of masked and armed militia members stopping traffic to check cars
4. Close-up of watch bearing face of Muqtada al-Sadr on wrist of militia member
5. Various of masked and armed militia members stopping traffic to check cars
6. Various of militia member pointing RPG (rocket propelled grenade) down street
7. Various of masked and armed militia members
8. Picture of Muqtada al-Sadr on RPG


Armed militiamen loyal to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr were openly patrolling the streets of the predominantly Shiite Baghdad district of Sadr City on Saturday.

The militiamen formed roadblocks and were stopping cars in a show of strength.

Whenever they sighted US troops nearby they fired at them.

Fighting erupted again on Thursday between US forces and al-Sadr supporters in some of the worst violence in Iraq in months.

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