透過建築,一探金門移民史。|獨立特派員 第674集 (一座島嶼 一座城/The island and the city)

Описание к видео 透過建築,一探金門移民史。|獨立特派員 第674集 (一座島嶼 一座城/The island and the city)

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◎ 本紀錄片榮獲:2021吳舜文新聞獎–紀錄片獎
◎ 導演:婁雅君
◎ 攝影指導:胡國偉
◎ 攝影:胡國偉、李金龍、鄭凱文

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On the island of Kinmen there are many beautiful western buildings. On this island which is rich in Minnan culture, why are there so many western buildings?

One century ago, the immigrants of Kinmen traveled abroad. They brought back modern materials and civilization to the island, making it a fairly globalized place.

In early years of the Republic of China, among 25 elementary schools of Kinmen, only two of them were public. The rest were constructed by overseas Chinese. The island has been significantly connected with Singapore, about 2000 km away. Singapore was the country with the most immigrants from Kinmen.

With the change in time and the estrangement caused by the wars, the emigration between the two places halted in the 1950s. However, in Kinmen and Singapore, there are still traces of past interaction everywhere.

#金門 #新加坡 #移民 #洋樓 #建築 #歷史 #華僑


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