How to lend up to $3,500,000 with $0 of your own capital

Описание к видео How to lend up to $3,500,000 with $0 of your own capital

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If you’re new to our channel, this channel is run by Anitra Preston and Elridge Moore. We co-founded our company Vertical Capital. Vertical Capital is a private money lending company and investment firm. It’s simply a real estate company that lends money to real estate investors. Our portfolio is made up of a $2MM Bridge Funding Portfolio, $4MM Dollar Rental Portfolio, and $6 figure Index Fund Portfolio. Our main focus is private lending and we are here to share with you exactly what we are doing in our everyday business. This is not something we just learned and are sharing, this is what we ACTUALLY DO.

How we got here….

2015: Started Wholesaling Houses while working overnight
2016: Went Full Time wholesaling houses
2017: Anitra and Elridge partnered to form a Wholesaling and Listing company combined
2017: Anitra listed 44 houses in 8 months
2018: The wholesaling side did 500k in revenue and listing side did over 100k(Our Best Year)
2019: Started buying rentals and fixing and flipping properties while continuing to wholesale and list properties
2020: Covid-19 Happened. Closed the wholesaling and listing company. (Almost lost Everything)
2020: Purchase two commercial Warehouses with an additional partner. $2MM dollar development.
2020: Continued to scramble and invested 60K in Amazon Automation(Lost the entire 60K)
2021: Launched Vertical Capital and started raising capital
2022: Overwhelmed with other real estate activities and VC.
2023: Started making free content to document the journey of Vertical Capital and to attract capital partners to grow Vertical Capital’s lending portfolio.

Today, We are working extremely hard to get to our goal of a $10MM lending portfolio by Dec 2026.

We are in the thick of the business every day. The story will be written and documented along the way. Thanks for tuning in!

Elridge Moore
Vertical Capital

We make content to make money. Our goal is to build trust with other real estate professionals. Hopefully, one day we can work together.


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