Eco-nomics: A Permaculture Design Perspective 生態經濟:樸門設計觀點 | Tammy Turner 唐敏 | TEDxTunghaiU

Описание к видео Eco-nomics: A Permaculture Design Perspective 生態經濟:樸門設計觀點 | Tammy Turner 唐敏 | TEDxTunghaiU

Seeing the world through a holistic lens that places us humans squarely within the realm of nature and planetary systems is key to addressing the myriad environmental and social challenges that we face. Learn how this speaker is leading communities in Permaculture education and design to cultivate a new generation of eco-nomically intelligent global citizens.


1986 年從美國來到台灣,唐敏學習中文、成為知名的翻譯人員,同時也成為精粹有限公司的創辦人之一和資深合夥人。精粹公司目前已經成為受各界肯定的多國語言媒體服務機構。唐敏除了投身於企業活動之外,也是一位滿懷熱忱用心研究台灣自然環境的人物,積極支持社會及環保團體。目前她熱情投入台灣的樸門教育及社區營造工作,期望重新帶領人們建立彼此以及與大自然的關係。

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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