
Описание к видео 咁樣先係炒麵🔴雞絲/肉絲炒麵🔵真正外脆內軟👍無須落油太多💧👋簡單方法🎯重點竅門🎯秘訣大公開🤭炒麵邊度買👈點樣放麵👈點樣煎脆🥓非炸脆🥓拆解🤔雙面王失敗原因❓做到金黃酥脆📍茶餐廳港式炒麵♨️自家做絕不油膩

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


1. 雞扒,清水解凍,倒去水分,加入粗鹽1茶匙乸10分鐘,去除雪味、腥味,及加入少許鹹味,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水,廚紙索乾。
2. 銀芽,清水浸。
3. 麪,放大碗內,加入大滾水,用筷子弄散,夾起,擎乾水,放碟上,要等它完全攤凍。
4. 雞扒,清水沖洗乾淨,廚紙索乾。
5. 雞扒,除去雞皮,切去過多的雞膏,切幼條,放碗內。
6. 雞絲,加入調味料:
a. 生粉半湯匙
b. 鹽1/6茶匙
c. 胡椒粉1/6茶匙
7. 火腿,切幼條。
8. 冬菇,切絲。
9. 預備醬汁:
a. 生粉半湯匙
b. 雞粉半茶匙
c. 胡椒粉1/3茶匙
d. 冰糖2粒
e. 生抽半湯匙

1. 大火在鑊內燒熱油3湯匙。
2. 轉中火,麪鋪平在鑊內煎脆。
3. 麪的一面已煎脆,反轉繼續煎。
4. 從鑊邊加入油1湯匙,繼續煎。
5. 煎了1分鐘,放麪上碟。
6. 雞絲,放鑊內,大火煎,加入所有配料(銀芽及芫荽除外),炒勻。
7. 加入醬汁,大火滾起。
8. 加入火腿,煮至收汁。
9. 配料已煮熟,放麪上。
10. 放上芫荽。
11. 完成,可享用。

Ham frying noodles with shredded chicken and silver sprouts

Eggs noodles 1 No.
Frozen chicken steak 1 No.
Silver sprouts little
Shredded carrot little
Shallots 2 Nos.
Green onion 1 No.
Coriander 1 No.
Mushrooms 2 Nos. (already soaked and anchors removed)
Ham 3 slices

1. Chicken steak, defrost in tap water. Pour away water. Season with 1 tsp of cooking salt for 10 minutes, to remove unpleasant smells and tastes, and add some salty tastes to it. Rinse with tap water. Drain. Dry with kitchen towels.
2. Silver sprouts, soak in tap water.
3. The noodles, put in a big bowl. Add in boiled-up water, separate them with chopsticks. Pick it up. Drain. Put on plate. Wait for totally cooling down.
4. Chicken steak, rinse with tap water. Dry with kitchen towels.
5. Chicken steak, remove skin. Cut off the excess fat. Thinly shred. Put in a bowl.
6. The shredded chicken, add seasoning:
a. Tapioca starch 0.5 tbsp
b. Salt 1/6 tsp
c. Pepper 1/6 tsp
Mix well. Add in 1 tsp of oil. Mix well.
7. The ham, thinly shred.
8. Mushrooms, get them shredded.
9. Prepare sauce:
a. Tapioca starch 0.5 tbsp
b. Chicken powder 0.5 tsp
c. Pepper 1/3 tsp
d. Rock sugar 2 cubes
e. Light soya sauce 0.5 tbsp
Add in 200ml of water, mix well.

1. Heat up 3 tbsp of oil at high flame in wok.
2. Turn to medium flame. Flatten the noodles in wok, fry until they turn crispy. Flip over and continue frying.
3. One side of the noodles have been crispy fried, flip over and continue frying.
4. Pour 1 tbsp of oil alongside the wok and continue frying.
5. Noodles have been fried for a minute, put them on plate.
6. The chicken, put in the wok. Fry at high flame. Add in all the ingredients (except silver sprouts and coriander). Fry well.
8. Add in the sauce. Heat up at high flame.
9. Add in the ham. Cook until the sauce becomes thick.
10. All ingredients have been cooked well, put on top of noodles.
11. Put coriander on top.
12. Complete. Serve.

Ham frying noodles with shredded chicken and silver sprouts

Frying noodles, it is crispy but soft inside. Follow the steps, you can make a non-greasy frying noodles.
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