Escritura, Expresion y Limites - Writing, Expression and limits | Isabela Bermeo | TEDxQuitoJoven

Описание к видео Escritura, Expresion y Limites - Writing, Expression and limits | Isabela Bermeo | TEDxQuitoJoven

Isabela comparte su vivencia durante su voluntariado en un hogar de chicos y jóvenes que se enfrentan a duras circunstancias familiares, y como a través de su pasión, la escritura, logra crear un vinculo con ellos, enseñándoles que su capacidad de expresarse les permitirá superar sus limitaciones.

Isabela shares her experience in creating a bond with kids in underprivileged conditions and making them realize through literature and imagination, that their capability of expressing themselves can help them overcome their limitations.

Isabela es estudiante de 4to curso, es amante de la escritura y el trabajo comunitario. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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