How Self Doubt Hinders Your Career Growth

Описание к видео How Self Doubt Hinders Your Career Growth

Self-doubt is like a pesky mosquito buzzing in your ear. It isn't enjoyable, distracting, and even paralyzes if you let it take control. But just as we don't allow mosquitoes to dictate our outdoor activities, we shouldn’t permit self-doubt to hinder our career growth.

Confidence becomes an essential survival tool in the job market jungle, where competition roars louder than ever before. However, this doesn't mean that every time doubt creeps into your mind about whether or not you're good enough for a particular role or promotion, it’s entirely baseless.

Sometimes, these doubts reflect areas needing improvement - think of them as signposts pointing towards what needs attention rather than stop signs halting progress altogether.

Self-doubt is common when searching for jobs; it creeps up uninvited and whispers things like "You’re not good enough" or "There are better candidates out there." But remember: even experienced sailors face storms. But it's the ones who learn to navigate through them that reach their destination!


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