Prodigy vs. Orville Pt. 1 | Star Trek: Bridge Commander Battle | Let's see what can be done!

Описание к видео Prodigy vs. Orville Pt. 1 | Star Trek: Bridge Commander Battle | Let's see what can be done!

Good day to all my viewers and newcomers! 😁 This battle is brought to you by me (of course! 😉) and another one of the Geek Cabal ‪@hexagonal_nexul‬ - he has graciously given me the same opportunity as ‪@GreystarSTBC‬ has when they both have ships that they want field-tested and suchlike! WooHOO!!

I am going to make this video in two sections - as opposed to 31 of them! Hahaha! - and the 1st one is for the home team of The United Federation of Planets (feels good to say and type those words out! 😊) vs. the Planetary Union or whatever Seth calls his version of the UFP...

Anyhoo, the ships are super prettiful and are quick!! I means... QUICK! Lol! Have had a close call or several when playtesting these wessels, and one shows up in the video! 🫢

So get dem snax ready, sit back and enjoy the video! I thank you for watching and I'll have part two done and uploaded soon! Be safe and healthy! LLAP! 🖖😎


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