
Описание к видео Hair_product_obsessed_Heavy_and_a_party_of_Demomen_annoy_Festive_Engineer.obscurefileformat

Are these things still a thing? Who bloody cares? I made another after all this time and it feels good to do so.

Anyway, a Heavy with an unclean obsession with haircare products (that's what those gooey noises are, I swear!) and a loud and brash Demoman and his party-mates annoy the sweet patooties out of an Engineer with Christmas lights on his helmet (I thought there was a hat like that, but I can't seem to find it, so make do with horrible facsimiles) and generally mess up the everloving space-time continuum!

This is just a test to see if I can keep doing these things without YouTube getting angry at me. Expect more tests like this in future if that's the case.

Music List:
Adrift - Game & Wario
Start Menu - Lego Island
Accident Area 7 - Thunderbirds Kokusai Kyuujotai Juudou Seyo
Invincible - Kirby's Dreamland 3 (pitched up)
Original Dubstep composition

The explosion in the video is Public Domain footage of a 1952 U.S. Hydrogen Bomb test, which can be found on The Internet Archive.


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